Being faithful to our mission to preserve the due compliance of your companies, it is of vital importance to notify you that next January 17th, 2025, is the deadline to file before National Registry of Foreign Investments, the Quarterly Udpate Notice related to the Fourth Quarter of 2024.
Such notice is filed by individuals or legal entities and Mexican companies with foreign investment, provided that the following events occurred during such quarter:
- Amendments to its corporate name, tax address, or commercial activity.
- Modifications to the capital stock and/or shareholding structure that implies a variation (in absolute value) over $20´000,000.00 (Twenty million pesos MXN).
- Variations over $20´000,000.00 (Twenty million pesos MXN) corresponding to the following accounts:
- Accounts receivable from residents abroad that are part of the same corporate group.
- Accounts payable to residents abroad that are part of the same corporate group.
- Contributions for future capital stock increases, capital reserves or results of prior fiscal years.
It is worth mentioning that in the event of not being in the following assumptions or that the same are lower than the indicated thresholds, it will not be necessary to file a notice.
Now, the RNIE modified the way in which these notices are filed, so now they must filed through its new online platform, which can be accessed through the following link: (
Also to mention that in case of failure to file the notices, the penalties range from 30 to 100 UMA.
At ALN Mining Law Firm, we are prepared and ready to provide you with the necessary advice and support to file the corresponding updates of your companies.