Mexico on its way to reduce its carbon footprint

On February 29th of 2024, Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público launched the program called ECO CREDITO SUSTENTABLE, which is one of Mexico ́s many initiatives in its Mobilization of Sustainable Financing Strategy (Estrategia de Movilización de Financiamiento Sostenible), initiative in cooperation with Secretaría de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT) and Nacional Financiera (Nafin), which seeks to boost projects that reduce the carbon footprint.

Said program looks forward to providing financial support to companies in the industrial, commercial, and service sectors, with the aim of providing them the tools and necessary financial resources so they can be capable of:

  • Performing energetic diagnosis;
  • Identifying significant economy opportunities;
  • Investing in energetic efficiency measures


Eco Crédito Sustentable aims to offer a financing of up to 15 million pesos to more than one thousand projects, this way, companies can acquire and install high efficiency equipment and adopt renewable energies; therefore, not only will it be contributing to the battle against climate change that stalks modern society, but also it will increase companies ‘competitiveness through the reduction of electric billing and thermal consumption costs.

The mission of this program is to achieve the mitigation of potential 100 thousand tons of equivalent carbon dioxide (CO2e), effort that has the technical and financial support of Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Mititgation Action Facility (MAF), Energía y Servicios Públicos (KEFM), Ministerio Federal de Alemania para Asuntos Económicos y Acción Climática (BMWK), Ministerio Danés de Clima, and Departamento de Seguridad Energética y Cero Neto del Reino Unido (DESNZ), all being prestigious international institutions.


All companies that wish to participate in Eco Crédito Sustentable must register on the program ́s Registration Format which can be accessed through the following link, with catechnical and financial evaluation.

Those companies that result selected will be able to access the credit through a participant banks network, including Afirme, CI Banco, BBVA, Citibanamex and Mifel, this with the expectation that the program expands its banking collaborators list in a near future.

The implementation of the program Eco Crédito Sustentable represents a step forward to Mexico ́s commitment to encourage sustainability and environmental care.