At ALN we advise mining companies in early due diligence audits to determine the ownership regime of the lands destined for a mining project in order to determine whether they are public, private, communal or indigenous community-owned lands. Based on this, we develop a specific tailor-made strategy for land acquisition and negotiation.
In this sense, we perform
- Appraisals
- Mapping of land and areas of interest
- Title and registry background investigations
- Drafting, formalization and registration of land contracts
- Rights of way
- Easement contracts
- Environmental or Indigenous Public Consultation Processes, as required.
- Addressing and resolving social conflicts over land
- Development and management of community relations programs
- Evaluation of baseline and social impact assessment studies.
We pride ourselves on our practice and experience in community management for land tenure and securing social licenses, and, in that sense, we have advised large, medium and small companies in the acquisition of surface rights of communal and indigenous community lands, which includes the development of negotiation, assemblies, land appraisal and the drafting, formalization and registration of agreements.